Wartburg, a 115-year provider of a full range of senior care services in the Westchester, New York area had an awareness level of only 4%. The senior care provider reached out to Austin & Williams to help them raise their brand awareness.
We conducted focus groups with caregivers and performed a competitive audit during which we telephoned providers posing as concerned caregivers with questions to discover why awareness was so low. No senior care provider (Wartburg included) was making that all-important connection with the caregiving decision-maker and providing them with the advice and guidance they desperately craved.
Our marketing strategy did. We centered on their people—rather than their properties. The campaign was backed up by a 24/7 senior call center we initiated, which now enables Wartburg to make that connection (and become a trusted resource) the very moment a family realizes their loved one needs help.
Caregivers’ response to our campaign was immediate and impressive: We saw a 548% increase in visitors the first day we launched Wartburg’s new website, had a six-month conversion rate (more than twice the industry average) and had fielded more than 810 inquiries at the 24/7 call center within the first 10 months.