

There is little consumer awareness for the type of battery a car needs when it is time to replace. So when Exide approached Frederick Swanston that its batteries received the opportunity to become one of the premier battery partners with The Home Depot, providing a tool to help customers identify the battery they need became the main objective.
Rather than creating a dedicated smartphone app for an action that a customer only performs every seven years, Frederick Swanston designed and developed a desktop and mobile-friendly web app. The battery-finding web functions much like a native app, simple to update and navigate, but wouldn’t collect data dust, rarely downloaded and infrequently accessed.
Frederick Swanston worked with Marketing Managers in eleven divisions to implement the new identity across the country.

The Exide Home Depot battery finder app creates synergy between the two brands on a shared application. It aggregates thousands of options for consumers to quickly and easily filter for the details of the car to find the Exide battery they need. From initial design to final development, the Frederick Swanston team built a user-focused experience to create a simple flow of interactions for consumers to find the exact battery they need with minimal effort.